Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ahhh Spring Break

Well, I am willing to bet that most everyone in our class went away for the break! Hope everyone is enjoying themselves! As for me, I am working up here in Flagstaff, which I actually find enjoyable and a nice break from school.
I am also enjoying that i will get to hang out with my friends this week without feeling guilty for socializing instead of doing school work. I still have the paper for this class to rewrite, grrr and research for the group project but that is nothing compared to the work load I had been dealing with for the past few weeks. It's nice to be able to breath again I almost forgot what it felt like!
OK well everyone have a fantastic Spring Break!


Cassie said...

Sounds like you had an enjoyable spring break! I'm kinda jealous you got to work and make money while I didn't work and spent money leaving me moneyless.

Jeff Illson said...

Yes I too am quite moneyless after spring break. I am really jealous of the fact that you worked. Hope you had a great spring break too!

Greg Scott said...

i was able to break free from the big blue giant for four days to hit up tucson but after that i was stuck up here too.

still had a great time though, cuz all of my close friends were here too, and honestly, no matter where you go, if your friends arent there, you wont have as much fun.