Thursday, February 28, 2008


Lately I have felt so lost in school, chemistry in particular. I go to classes, recitation and study groups, and study for endless numbers of hours. With all that time and effort and the will to learn the material, it still is not clicking in my head. This is very frustrating for me, as I am used to doing well at any subject as long as I put a little effort into it.
Personal matters aren't helping anything at all, but I won't go into all that here. It just feels like if you loose your footing just for a spilt second you end up falling much further. One problem builds on another until the light at the end of the tunnel is just a small glimmer.
A theory of mine, that I like and keeps me going is that you can only fall so far before things can't help but get better.
Friends help pull you through, and for them I am thankful.
Wow, this is kind of a rambling blog. I hope that's OK. I really don't know what a blog is for, and i don't have anything mind bending that needs to be analyzed. This is me writing and I hope that is worth something.



Jacki Belknap said...

I think you found the purpose of a blog. You put your thoughts into words, even if they are in a 'rambling' fashion. It is a way to put yourself out there. People give advice, and once in a while, it is good advice.

Jeff Illson said...

I know exactly what you mean! I find myself going to all these different classes, doing tons of homework, studying for tests, but I just have no drive anymore. I will always try for the best grades because I am spending a lot of money to get an education, but lately I have just had a loss of motivation. I am hoping that soon I will get that motivation to always do the best and hopefully start doing better in classes.

Greg Scott said...

I as well feel exactly the same, even more so because were both in the same chemistry class haha.

The real sad part is that that class makes more sense to me than my Physics or Calc classes. goooodbye GPA!

Anonymous said...

Oi, I totally know what your going through and I hope you find your way as well as I and everyone else having trouble adjusting i suppose. (^^,)

*Miranda* said...

I completely feel what you're feeling. I can't stand my chemistry class because it feels like no matter what I do I'll never really understand it! Plus lots of other professors act like their class is the only important one and they give tons of homework. It's crazy!

Michele Genesis said...

more and more i am feeling lost in everything that school is throwing at me. i think i finally understand something and then i get tested on it and can't ever seem to pass. school is driving me crazy, its making me less and less wanting to do this ya know. but i will stick to it, hope it gets better and hope it has gotten better for you to. just know u are not the only one who feels like that. TRUST me :)